Dear Child of God...

Dear Child of God,

I am writing this letter to remind you just who God says you are. I’ve noticed sometimes you forget just how many beautiful things God has placed inside of you that you dare to believe the lies of this world. Let me remind you that the voices that operate in this world will never have authority over who you are. They’ll only try to deceive you into thinking you are nothing, that your life is meaningless and that this is all there is. Believe me when I say that there is more than this. You were not made for the pleasures of this world, but instead for the glory of the one who created you from the very work of His hands. The word of God says “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance” (Ephesians 2:10 NIV). How precious must we be that He calls us His artwork? We have all been intricately put together and redeemed so that through our salvation we may share the love bestowed on us, unto others. You are part of a greater picture, do not let the standards of this world make you feel as though you are not significant or that you do not matter. Our God is intentional, if you are here it is because He purposely placed you here. He wants you to know that like each part of our bodies, you too have a role to play in bringing his kingdom to earth. Scripture tells us that “God has put all these parts together in one body. Some parts seem to be not very special. But God has shown that those parts are very valuable. He has done that to bring all parts together as one body. All parts work together to help each other” (1 Corinthians 12: 24-25 EASY). You are that very valuable part and you are needed. God is not done with you, so let Him show you just what your life really means. All you need to do is make room for Him.


Your sister in Christ

Dear Child of God,

I know at times you fall into the trap of dwelling on the past. I know at times you wonder how God could choose you after all the choices you’ve made. You ask yourself what God is supposed to do with all the many weaknesses you can’t shake. You digest the lie that in order to stand with God you have to be perfect. So, you remain on the sidelines believing that your past has somehow sabotaged your salvation. I am asking you to let go of the labels you think speak for you and seek the only voice that matters - the voice of God. God is not intimidated by your past nor is He put off by your weaknesses. In-fact His word says “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12: 9 NIV. Whilst this scripture is the Lord speaking to Paul, it is also Him speaking to His children - to You. It is His way of reassuring you that He is able to take on areas where you lack strength, faith, obedience or even hope to reveal His multifaceted nature and mightiness. So know that whatever you’ve been trying to do on your own He is willing to take on for you, and He has already spoken victory over it. Our saviour has the power to take even your past life, give you a new one and use it for His glory. He’s not mad at you nor does he want to scold you. He just wants you to come home. So whatever you think disqualifies you from being all that God calls you to be, just remember that Jesus was aware of the things Paul did and still called him His “…chosen instrument to proclaim my (His) name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel” Acts 9:15 NIV. Remember that God doesn’t call the qualified, He takes us as we are and makes us qualified. He did it for me and He can definitely do it for you, all He’s asking is that you believe. You can leave those untrue labels at the altar because your identity, destiny and story belongs to Jesus.


Your sister in Christ